
Letterspace #51: Julian Williams


14.00 - 16.00

De Lange Adem, Ruyschstraat 295, 1091 DX, Amsterdam

Doors open: 19:00 hrs

Start program: 19:30 hrs

Free admission thanks to sponsors Retype Foundry & Pictoright

Let’s Get Personal - Drawing design inspiration from experiences, conversations, and unseen influences. Julian Williams was recruited as meme-magician to lead the Democrats’ opposition campaign against Donald Trump. Next to his bold propaganda statements, he also creates type driven work, that range from minimalist to experimental futurist aesthetics.

But that is far from all that Julian has to offer, his portfolio and instagram feed is full of surprising identities, that bring up the question, where does the personal end and branding start? A division that seems to blur increasingly these days, and in the case of Julian, this friction is his main source of inspiration.


Julian Williams

Julian Williams is an American-German graphic designer who has lived and worked in the Netherlands for 8 years. He has a varied body of work, linked by bold, impactful statements and graphics. He values maintaining a steady personal design practice, inspired by his political activism, subcultures he finds himself a part of, and his relationships with people and the world. This has led him to professional opportunities in the fashion, design, and political world, including designing for Nike, &Walsh, and proudly, a role as a lead designer on Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign for President of the United States. His greatest dream is to make good things with good people.