

What Clients Think report 2024

The 10th annual What Clients Think report by Up to the Light, based on 675 in-depth client interviews, gives a unique view into client/agency relationships.

Research firm Up to the Light, in partnership with DBA, has published the 10th edition of its What Clients Think survey. The report is based on 675 client interviews conducted on behalf of agencies, the highest number ever.

The report is packed with fascinating and useful insight about clients’ expectations and concerns, their relationships with agencies, their views on agency new business activity, pitches, websites, marketing content and more.

Three sections

The report is divided into three sections:


  • The client world: looking at wider client pressures and concerns, which impact the way in which they operate. 

  • Winning clients: looking at agency new business activity and pitching. 

  • Retaining and growing clients: covering client service and development issues.