
BNO Zefir7: Laura Snijders and Ben Schouten


13.30 - 16.00

Stroom, Hogewal 1 - 9, 2514 HA, Den Haag

Visual by Mari Ebisu for Studio Céline Hurka

BNO Zefir7 and Stroom Den Haag are thrilled to announce the upcoming edition featuring presentations by Laura Snijders and Ben Schouten, who will share insights from their inspiring work. Free entrance – Join us! 

Laura Snijders

“I question current norms and values and observe behaviour, ways of dressing, systems, and logic. The communication but also the miscommunication that results from this fascinates me. In my work I use these elements of communication to confuse. I play with them to give shape to a new reality. For example, why do some people dress exclusively in red? Are they aware that they are stealing the show? Is this their normal? I don’t want real answers. I want to ask these questions and dream my own logic onto them.”

Ben Schouten

Ben Schouten is Full Professor of Playful Interactions in Intelligent Systems. In addition, he is scientific director of education at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. He is an advisor for the European Commission on the Internet of Things as well as for the Dutch Cultural Media Fund, responsible for E-culture. Schouten is interested in games & play design for social innovations, citizen empowerment and culture.

BNO Zefir7

BNO Zefir7 is a monthly designers’ café supported by the BNO and hosted by Stroom Den Haag. Send ‘keep me posted’ as a subject to this email address to receive announcements.


Free entrance. There is a limited number of seats. First come, first serve. Doors open 19.30 hrs, start presentations 20.00 hrs.

BNO members get a free drink!