

Welcome Loan Favan

A chat with one of our newest members: jewelry designer and art director Loan Favan.

Name: Loan Favan (24)
Name studio or agency: Naula_studio
Discipline: visual beliefs / forte metal

What are you working on right now?

I want to build strong foundations for my creative studio Naula_studio. I started my jewelry studio during my studies. Managing, designing, production, creative content and clients on side of school was challenging. Now that I have more time to invest I want to develop it in a real business and collaborate with new talents (photographers, makeup artists, performers, 3d artists...). 

I am currently moving to Den Haag, where I can have access to a workshop place (goldsmith bench) and a base in Europe (on a practical note). My last collection will be part of the Design Museum Den Bosch so the focus now is on preparing for the pieces for the permanent collection and the upcoming exhibition in March: Bodydrift – Anatomies of the Future and work on new pieces.

Odoo CMS - een grote afbeelding

Is there a project or something else that you're very proud of?

The projects I am the most proud of are my final work from my studies. I think they both show my intentions and skills as a designer. My jewelry collection Alliage -Cu29Zn30 was both a technical and visual challenge that I just adore as a process. And I am extremely proud that Design Museum Den Bosch is acquiring it.

My other project LA KE BO is my first local initiative and deeply represents my origins. I am beyond proud to have represented my country (New Caledonia, a small island in the Pacific) on an international level. It is also going to be broadcasted in the cinemas in New Caledonia from mid-January.

How did you find us?

I came across BNO during my studies at the Design Academy of Eindhoven. We were introduced at the final phase of our bachelor. BNO gave us a glimpse of what our designer work is involving outside of a comfortable school environment.

Odoo CMS - een grote afbeelding

Alliage -Cu29Zn30

What can we do for you right now?

Right now I am trying to get organized and have a clear business structure. Therefore I would love to be referred to an accountant, have marketing/business tips/contacts. So I can evolve in my own practice and connect with other creatives.

Odoo CMS - een grote afbeelding


Where will we see you again in the near future?

You can see me again in Design Museum Den Bosch, my work will be there on March 14th till June 7th. And my project LA KE BO will be screening from January 22nd in the cinema of New Caledonia before movies.

Otherwise you can always find me on social media, where I am super active: sharing my process and backstage creations! @naula_studio